Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a Spanish painter, sculptor and printmaker, who was born in Malaga, Spain on the 25th of October 1881, and unfortunately died in April 8th 1973. He collaborated with Georges Braque, to establish the art movement of cubism, which began in 1907, after the construction of the following artwork of, “Les Demoiselles d ’Avignon” which was initially produced to promote the cubist movement.

This image is a demonstration of the artwork of, “Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon” which is translated as “The Young Ladies of Avignon”.
This particular oil canvas painting consists of five naked women, posing provocatively in a glass front shop displace, advertising their bodies to the general public, in the streets of Barcelona.

The way in which I was able to identify, that the women were posing in front of a glass panel was that, in Amsterdam there’s a place called a red light district, were you would discover a huge prostitutes posing in front of a glass panel, attracting visitors, as well as the local people of Amsterdam, to commit fornication. As a result, I have the belief that this marketing strategy has been adopted, into today’s society, however I may be wrong.

According researches in the 19th century prostitution were held in places like “brothel” which is simply a house consisting of prostitutes,

 Originally, the titled “The Brothel Of Avignon” meaning “the prostitutes of Avignon” as the word “Brothel”  is defined by google as “a house where men visit prostitutes”, which I find offensive.

This is because, I have the belief that the women have been disrespected, as they have been judged wrongly, for the fact that they have chosen or being forced to advertise their bodies, in return of money, to have a sustainable life. 


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