Celebrity culture

A Celebrity is a person who is widely recognised by strangers and works within the entertainment industries. Celebrities portray a wealthy lifestyle style of wearing designers, having mansions and luxury cars, that may not belong to them. There are many reasons to not believe anything put on social media, as the mansions might belong to friends or family members. The cars used for the poses might be hired from a car dealership, and their designer outfits would be on loan. Due to the mass media attention celebrities have, they venture into business deals with brands to promote their products on their social media, as they have thousands of followers. This means they get high end materials for free and will be posing in a way that they purchased them.

This is a photograph of Charlotte Crosby, who was involved in a reality tv shows called Geordie shore. This makes are a celebrity and she is posing in a car, that might not be purchased by her.

Being a celebrity comes with hours of coaching of how be perceived as a person in public. This could be having good morals, and being sweet person, which will give you the title of “sweet heart” by people. As a result, people don’t know the kind of person they are unless you’re a staff member or a family member. Some people believe that celebrities do not have problems as they have a perfect life, which sometime can be untrue as they may to facing personal problems that is unbearable but put on a brave face for the media.

There is a difference between celebrities and stars, celebrities do not have talents and their fame is based on their looks. A star is famous for their talents and can be a positive advocate for a change in the world. Celebrities are associated with party scenes of enjoying a night out with friends in popular destinations like Prague and Ibiza, with indecency of wearing skimpy outfit to reveal their “sexy” bodies. Stars come across more serious and elegant and will not be seen acting indecent as they are role models to people.



In this age digital age, anyone can become a celebrity by posting hilarious videos of themselves or sharing their hobbies and talents. This could be in a form of makeup, designing and singing. I believe social media gives anyone an equal opportunity to be famous, in the comfort of their home. However, social media can be used negatively to criticise people of their bodies and celebrities are under constant pressure of make their body perfect, as they face scrutiny by strangers of media.



Esme Spurling (21st August 2013/unknown) What is the difference between a star and a celebrity?. Available at:https://esmespurlingmedia.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/what-is-the-difference-between-a-star-and-a-celebrity (Accessed: 11th May 2021).

The images in the blog:

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