Alter ego project

For the alter ego project, i was required to make a wearable artwork to communicate the characteristic of a black panther. However, i decided to base my work on my cultural heritage of being an African. This is because, i have a very strong knowledge of my background, that i would like to explore visually.

My initial idea was to make a costume out of an African fabric, but that contradicts the idea of having a wearable artwork. Instead, i used a recycled calico fabric with branches and leaves to convey the natural resources and safari landscapes that is linked to tribes in Africa.

Moreover, i decided to make a cultural costume to show my interests in abstract expressionism movement, that visually conveys exciting colours and distortion of subject matters to convey my personality.

As a result, i conducted visual researches on cubism, abstract expressionism and aboriginal. I made intial sketches of outfits to show the different styles of the art movements with similarities.

As the whole project is about creating imaginative artwork that can be worn, i took some elements of the sketches to create a cape. Pieces of coloured sugar paper, leaves and branches were added to show the riches in Africa and the idea of being an African princess.

The following materials of scissors and glue gun were used to cut holes into fabric, to weave in strings that can hold the cape together. The sugar paper, leaves and branches were stuck on the fabric with glue gun to create an imperfect construction of the gown.

I believe that the wearble artwork was  successful because, i was able to communicate my heritage through an art movement. The disfigurement of nature into a man made object of a gown, is very interesting and fascinating to me.

Finally, walking in the catwork show with costume was fun because, i generated lots of opinions of what the concept could be. Seeing everyone else work made me come to the realisation that, we are all different but work with the same concept.


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