Brief of Project

When I started my degree, I realised that the work load is different from college. I was required to do more coursework. The brief consisted of contextual file which is a combination of visual and written research in a form of power point. Technical file consists of the process of practical work, (documenting stages). The sketchbook demonstrates drawings of ideas related to the chosen concept and a portfolio. These are the fundamental aspects of the brief, but other elements are included to make the brief different of each project depending on the work requested. For each semester I was given 3 projects, I created a timetable dedicating two days on each project, studying 6 hours a day with one hour break. I followed the guidance of the brief to ensure that I am doing the work, I need to pass the project. Creating a timetable is a way of organising my time to meet strict deadlines, and also I can not study in the night like my fellow class mates so I did my work during day time. 


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