Dewey decimal system project

For the Dewey decimal project, I chose three books of the alphabetical numbers associated with my name of 20181325. This reference number was taken to the library to withdraw books of that number and found, Religion, Media and Cultural, The Art of the Sacred and Religion, Media and Marketplace. These books were by the following authors of David Morgan, Graham Howes and Schofieid Clark. Two pages of the books were randomly selected and analysed for important keywords that can be used to create sculptures. Keywords were listed in my sketchbook, but the main keywords selected were media, sacrifice, Japanese, self-doubt, the prince of Egypt and Quran.

Images of these keywords were drawn and combined together to create four initial ideas for final outcome. I chose the cover of the Quran book containing images of the keywords because, I wanted to convey the literal aspects of the Quran educating Muslims about the teachings of Muhammad of the keywords. This is because, religion is a controversial subject that can be misinterpreted by people, into their own understanding of the point they would like to make.

The sculpture communicates the acceptance of different cultural beliefs of the society, of recognising how great the Egyptian Gods were and the sacrifices they committed as a ritual to keep up with the beliefs. Also, the Japanese flag conveys the influences of the cultural heritage that Muslims have combined to their beliefs to enrich their ways. The tv symbolises the different programs being showed to educate the society about the ways of people. This means that the Quran doesn’t belong to religious people only, but is a source of knowledge that everyone can acquire.

The following material of clay was used to construct the book slab by rolling out clay with a rolling pin, using tool to cut it into a square shape. Shapes associated with the keywords were cut and placed on top of the book, as a representation of the images of the cover. These were done in different steps which the images conveys.

I believe that the sculpture was successful because, it visually conveys the structure of a book cover with images to define the message in the book. The simplicity of the sculpture makes it easy to understand and identity the details on the book.  


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